Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thursday the 13th, June 2013, a grand evening

The title more or less says it all.

It was a grand evening indeed.

Was this my best "book release" ever?

I don't know.

But I must say I was blown away, by the turnout, by the amazing professionalism of the guys at Goethe-Zentrum (specifically Anna) and the fact that I sat in between the one and only Aasheesh Pittie and the one and only Vijay Marur. 

The best part of the evening was when a nice lady wanted me to sign two books for her with "birds" added to "wish you all the best in life".

A big thank you to all who came over braving the rain

A bigger thank you to Anna, Mercy and Amita for putting up with my "first show" jitters and resultant delays.

An even more bigger thank you to my brother Sashi, if not for his stewardship, I would have been headed towards Hussein Sagar with an auto load of prints and frames.

The birdman is happy and humbled, thank you everyone.

Some of the pics of the event are here 

And if you would like to follow what is happening vis-a-vis Lil' Blue and Stray Birds, keep checking out this page on FB

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Hello and welcome! I am someone who is passionate about poetry and motorcycling and I read and write a lot (writing, for me has been a calling, a release and a career). My debut collection of English poems, "Moving On" was published by Coucal Books in December 2009. It can be ordered here My second poetry collection, Ink Dries can be ordered here Leave a comment or do write to me at ahighwayman(at)gmail(dot)com.

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