Wednesday, June 9, 2010

As Summer Ends

How cyclical the seasons are and how independent of our concepts of time (days, months, years) pains and sufferings too. We are 9 days into the June of a blazing, in many ways vitriolic, almost "out of Dante's inferno" summer. And yet, it seems respite (in keeping with it's own cyclical timing) is here. Science (or rather the newspapers and the TV Channels quoting the Met Office) tells us that the Monsoons are already here, that they will be average (but for a shortfall here or there) this year.

And though a part of me is guarding against getting excited or happy or relieved too early (after all, the last edition of the monsoons over the Deccan was so fickle-natured it left me "Unslept") this year it seems the rains will come on time.

Why do I say this? On what authority?

For one, it has blazed so much all this summer that it seems any more heat would be against the laws of nature (Global Warming be damned).

For another, it has been "clouds floating in a sea blue sky" kind of views for most of the last week or so, and those clouds seem to be packing up now and today was positively overcast.

For yet another, its been amazing cycling weather for the last two days (at least where I live, in between NH7 and SH1) and yes, I have been out cycling and even spotting a bit of wildlife here and there in the wilds around my place (this will need some explanation, maybe later). While on the cycle, for some reasons I get to either blank out my mind or focus it; in comparison, when on the Bullet, my being is in ferment with a continuous stream of thoughts, almost as madcap as Hyderabad's traffic.

And yes, for yet another, it rained a bit (and gusted a lot) yesterday evening. And no, I don't think it was summer rain. Though there has been quite a lot of it here. Because, yesterday evening it smelt different, there was a promise in the fragrance of the breeze. How do I explain that in English?

Saundhi, it was, the smell of rain on parched earth.

So, on the basis of the available evidence, I pronounce this the end of summer.



  1. Fragrant with the promise of rain :)

    priti aisola

  2. yes, fragrance itself is a promise, no?


About Me

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Hello and welcome! I am someone who is passionate about poetry and motorcycling and I read and write a lot (writing, for me has been a calling, a release and a career). My debut collection of English poems, "Moving On" was published by Coucal Books in December 2009. It can be ordered here My second poetry collection, Ink Dries can be ordered here Leave a comment or do write to me at ahighwayman(at)gmail(dot)com.


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