Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What Jimmy Carter said

This is not exactly that recent, and Jimmy Carter is certainly not much of a heavyweight in world affairs or the kind of person who can create a groundswell of opinions -- at least in comparison to serving US presidents, but it still makes for good and thought-provoking reading.

Take a look see, do.

Truth be told, all religions discriminate against women and Hinduism also doesn't really score very high when it comes to being "equal opportunity". Which is a bit surprising considering that there are so many Goddesses in the Hindu pantheon and the "Mother Cult" is an intrinsic part of the Hindu faith and way of life.

Truth also be told, Hinduism has been crying out for reform (and renewal) for ages now and Hinduism can do with some women Shankaracharyas as well...

Meanwhile, what Jimmy Carter said. 


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Hello and welcome! I am someone who is passionate about poetry and motorcycling and I read and write a lot (writing, for me has been a calling, a release and a career). My debut collection of English poems, "Moving On" was published by Coucal Books in December 2009. It can be ordered here My second poetry collection, Ink Dries can be ordered here Leave a comment or do write to me at ahighwayman(at)gmail(dot)com.

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